json xml
  • Provisioning API
  • Provisioning API

    The SnapEngage Provisioning REST API provides a method for 3rd parties to perform the following:



    Authentication for Provisioning API

    A valid API key is required to use the Provisioning REST API. This key must be obtained by emailing [email protected].


    The Provisioning API allows you to create a SnapEngage user, get user account details, update, and delete users.

    Create a new user account

    To create a new user account, PUT to the endpoint with your API key as a parameter and the request payload below. You can also create account from existing account template.

    PUT /api/v1/user.json?api_key={api_key}

    Request Parameters

    To view sample request JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "email": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Jimbo Something",
        "password": "12345",
        "phone": "555-617-8980",
        "accountType": "enterprise"
    Data Type Description
    email String Required. A valid email address less than 100 characters. All characters will be converted to lowercase which is how the user will need to log in.
    name String Required. A valid name less than 100 characters.
    accountType String Required. Requires specific values that are case-sensitive, see the table below of "accountType values".
    password String Required. A valid password that is 5-99 characters.
    phone String A valid phone number.
    templateId String You can create a new account from existing account. If you pass the template id then accountType won't be considered and account type from the template account will be used.

    accountType values

    To learn more about account types, see our pricing page.

    accountType Value
    Free Trial 'trial'
    Business 'biz'
    Plus 'entr'
    Premier 'prem'
    Enterprise 'enterprise'

    Sample Request

    To view an example request, click one of the language tabs on the right.

    curl -X PUT \
      '{api_key}' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "email" : "{user_email}",
        "name" : "Jimbo Something",
        "password" : "12345",
        "phone" : "555-617-8980",
        "accountType" : "enterprise"
    package com.snapengage.samples;
    public class Example {
      private static final String apiKey = "{api_key}";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SnapEngageUser snapEngageUser = new SnapEngageUser("{user_email}", "Jimbo Something",
            "enterprise", "12345", "555-617-8980");
        WebTarget webTarget = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build()
            .target("" + apiKey);
        Response response =
            webTarget.request().put(Entity.entity(snapEngageUser, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
        SnapEngageUser responseUser = response.readEntity(SnapEngageUser.class);
    // Note: This object is used in all of the Java code samples for the (User) Provisioning API.
    package com.snapengage.samples;
    public class SnapEngageUser {
      private String email;
      private String name;
      private String accountType;
      private String password;
      private String phone;
      public SnapEngageUser() {
        // no-args constructor required for json serialization/de-serialization
      public SnapEngageUser(String email, String name, String accountType, String password,
        String phone) { = email; = name;
        this.accountType = accountType;
        this.password = password; = phone;
      public String getEmail() {
        return email;
      public void setEmail(String email) { = email;
      public String getName() {
        return name;
      public void setName(String name) { = name;
      public String getAccountType() {
        return accountType;
      public void setAccountType(String accountType) {
        this.accountType = accountType;
      public String getPassword() {
        return password;
      public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;
      public String getPhone() {
        return phone;
      public void setPhone(String phone) { = phone;
      public String toJson() {
        return new Gson().toJson(this);
    import requests
    url = ""
    querystring = {"api_key": "{api_key}"}
    payload = '{"email" : "{user_email}", "name" : "Jimbo Something", "password" : "12345",' \
              '"phone" : "555-617-8980", "accountType" : "enterprise"}'
    response = requests.request("PUT", url, data=payload, params=querystring)

    Response Parameters

    To view sample response JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "email": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Jimbo Something",
        "phone": "555-617-8980",
        "accountType": "enterprise"
    Data Type Description
    email String The user's email address. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    name String The user's name.
    phone String The user's telephone number.
    accountType String The user's accountType. See "accountType values" table above.

    Success Response

    201 Created

    Get user account details or check if user exists

    To get a new user account or check if it exists, GET to the endpoint with your API key and the user email address as parameters.

    GET /api/v1/user.json?api_key={api_key}&email={user_email}

    Request Parameters

    Data Type Description
    email String Required. A valid email address of an existing user. All characters will be converted to lowercase which is how the user will need to log in.

    Sample Request

    To view an example request, click one of the language tabs on the right.

    curl -X GET '{api_key}&email={user_email}'
    package com.snapengage.samples;
    public class Example {
      private static final String apiKey = "{api_key}";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        String email = "{user_email}";
        WebTarget webTarget = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build().target(
          "" + apiKey + "&email=" + email);
        Response response = webTarget.request().get();
        SnapEngageUser responseUser = response.readEntity(SnapEngageUser.class);
    import requests
    url = ""
    querystring = {"api_key": "{api_key}", "email": "{user_email}"}
    response = requests.request("GET", url, params=querystring)

    Response Parameters

    To view sample response JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "email": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Jimbo Something",
        "phone": "555-617-8980",
        "accountType": "enterprise"
    Data Type Description
    email String The user's email address. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    name String The user's name.
    phone String The user's phone number.
    accountType String The user's accountType. See "accountType values" table above.

    Success Response

    200 OK

    Update an existing user account

    To update an existing user account, POST to the endpoint with your API key as a parameter and the request payload below.

    POST /api/v1/user.json?api_key={api_key}

    Request Parameters

    To view sample request JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "email": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Jimbo Something",
        "password": "12345",
        "phone": "555-617-8980",
        "accountType": "enterprise"
    Data Type Description
    email String Required. A valid email address of an existing user. All characters will be converted to lowercase which is how the user will need to log in.
    name String Required. A valid name less than 100 characters.
    accountType String Requires specific values that are case-sensitive, see the table above of "accountType values".
    password String A valid password that is 5-99 characters.
    phone String A valid phone number.

    Sample Request

    To view an example request, click one of the language tabs on the right.

    curl -X POST \
      '{api_key}' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "email" : "{user_email}",
        "name" : "Jimbo Something",
        "password" : "12345",
        "phone" : "555-617-8980",
        "accountType" : "enterprise"
    package com.snapengage.samples;
    public class Example {
      private static final String apiKey = "{api_key}";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SnapEngageUser snapEngageUser = new SnapEngageUser("{user_email}", "Jimbo Something",
            "prem", "12345", "555-617-8980");
        WebTarget webTarget = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build()
            .target("" + apiKey);
        Response response =
            webTarget.request().post(Entity.entity(snapEngageUser, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
        SnapEngageUser responseUser = response.readEntity(SnapEngageUser.class);
    import requests
    url = ""
    querystring = {"api_key": "{api_key}"}
    payload = '{"email" : "{user_email}", "name" : "Jimbo Something", "password" : "12345", "phone" : "555-617-8980", ' \
              '"accountType" : "prem"}'
    response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, params=querystring)

    Response Parameters

    To view sample response JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "email": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Jimbo Something",
        "phone": "555-617-8980",
        "accountType": "enterprise"
    Data Type Description
    email String The user's email address. All characters will be converted to lowercase which is how the user will need to log in.
    name String The user's name.
    accountType String The user's accountType. See "accountType values" table above.
    phone String The user's phone number.

    Success Response

    200 OK

    Delete an existing user account

    To delete a user account, DELETE to the endpoint with your API key and the user email as parameters.

    DELETE /api/v1/user.json?api_key={api_key}&email={user_email}

    Request Parameters

    Data Type Description
    email String Required. A valid email address of an existing user (less than 100 characters). All characters will be converted to lowercase.

    Sample Request

    To view an example request, click one of the language tabs on the right.

    curl -X DELETE '{api_key}&email={user_email}'
    package com.snapengage.samples;
    public class Example {
      private static final String apiKey = "{api_key}";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebTarget webTarget = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build().target(
          "" + apiKey + "&email={user_email}");
    import requests
    url = ""
    querystring = {"api_key": "{api_key}", "email": "{user_email}"}
    response = requests.request("DELETE", url, params=querystring)

    Response Parameters

    No response payload is returned.

    Success Response

    200 OK


    The Provisioning REST API allows you to create a SnapEngage widget, get widget details, update, and delete widgets.

    Create a new widget

    PUT /api/v1/widget.json?api_key={api_key}

    Request Parameters

    To view sample request JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "email": "[email protected]",
        "destinationEmail": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Widget #1",
        "agents": [
                "agentId": "[email protected]",
                "agentAlias": "An Agent",
                "agentAvatar": "",
                "agentType": "webclient"
        "enableProactiveChat": "true",
        "enableConversations": true,
        "conversationSchedule": {
            "timeZone": "US/Mountain",
            "schedules": [
                    "dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "scheduleList": ["8:00 AM","5:00 PM"]
                    "dayOfWeek": "TUESDAY",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "scheduleList": ["8:00 AM","5:00 PM"]
    Data Type Description
    email String Required. An existing user account email address. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    name String A valid widget name less than 100 characters.
    destinationEmail String The email where transcripts are sent.
    agents List Required. At least one agent is required. Each agent must contain the below fields (agentId, agentAlias, agentAvatar, agentType).
    ↳ agentId String Required. The agent ID. All characters will be converted to lowercase which is how the user will need to log in.
    ↳ agentAlias String Required. The agent displayed name.
    ↳ agentAvatar String Required. Link to an agent image.
    ↳ agentType String Required. See table of "agentType values" below.
    onlineButtonUrl String Deprecated Link to an online button image. This field has been deprecated due to it being part of the now-deprecated legacy chat design. Any value passed will be ignored and this field will remain null on the widget.
    offlineButtonUrl String Deprecated Link to an offline button image. This field has been deprecated due to it being part of the now-deprecated legacy chat design. Any value passed will be ignored and this field will remain null on the widget.
    enableProactiveChat String If true proactive chat is enabled for the widget. If false it is not.
    enableConversations boolean If true chat is enabled for the widget. If false it is not.
    proactiveSettings String Deprecated May contain the below fields (delayInSec, message). This field has been deprecated due to it being part of the now-deprecated Proactive Chat V1 settings. Any value passed will be ignored and this field will be null on the widget. All widgets created using this endpoint will be given default Proactive Chat V2 settings.
    ↳ delayInSec String Deprecated The time in seconds to delay a proactive invitation. Default is 45. This field has been deprecated for the same reason as stated above (see 'proactiveSettings'). Any value passed will be ignored and this field will be null on the widget.
    ↳ message String Deprecated The proactive message to display. This field has been deprecated for the same reason as stated above (see 'proactiveSettings'). Any value passed will be ignored and this field will be null on the widget.
    conversationSchedule Json This will contain the schedule for the conversations.
    ↳ timeZone String Time zone for the hours of operation. example ("Europe/Berlin", "UTC", "Asia/Kolkata")
    ↳ schedules List List of schedule(s). This will contain the properties (dayOfWeek, enabled, scheduleList). Note that there can be multiple entries for a given day to accomodate for things like lunch hours, day and evening shifts, etc.
    ↳↳ dayOfWeek String Represents the days of the schedule. Available values for are MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY.
    ↳↳ enabled boolean If true this time period will be evalulated.
    ↳↳ scheduleList List Start and end time using h:mm AM/PM format

    agentType values

    accountType Value
    Hub User 'webclient'
    GChat User (Deprecated) 'google'
    Skype User (Deprecated) 'skype'

    Sample Request

    To view an example request, click one of the language tabs on the right.

    curl -X PUT \
      '{api_key}' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
       "email": "[email protected]",
       "destinationEmail": "[email protected]",
       "name": "Widget #1",
             "agentId": "[email protected]",
             "agentAlias": "A New Agent",
             "agentAvatar": "",
             "agentType": "webclient"
       "enableProactiveChat": "true",
       "enableConversations": true,
       "conversationSchedule": {
            "timeZone": "US/Mountain",
            "schedules": [
                    "dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "scheduleList": ["9:00 AM","12:00 PM"]
                    "dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "scheduleList": ["1:00 PM","5:00 PM"]
    package com.snapengage.samples.widget;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.List;
    public class WidgetExample {
      private static final String apiKey = "{api_key}";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<SnapEngageAgent> agentList = new ArrayList<>();
            new SnapEngageAgent("12345", "Jimbo", "", "webclient")));
        SnapEngageWidget snapEngageWidget =
            new SnapEngageWidget("{user_email}", "Jimbo's Widget", "{user_email}", agentList, true);
        WebTarget webTarget = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build()
            .target("" + apiKey);
        Response response =
            webTarget.request().put(Entity.entity(snapEngageWidget, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
        SnapEngageWidget responseWidget = response.readEntity(SnapEngageWidget.class);
    // Note: This object is used in all of the Java code samples for the (Widget) Provisioning API.
    package com.snapengage.samples.widget;
    import java.util.List;
    public class SnapEngageWidget {
      private String email;
      private String name;
      private String destinationEmail;
      private List<SnapEngageAgent> agents;
      private String uuid;
      private boolean enableProactiveChat;
      public SnapEngageWidget() {
        // no-args constructor required for json serialization/de-serialization
      public SnapEngageWidget(String email, String name, String destinationEmail, List<SnapEngageAgent> agents,
        boolean enableProactiveChat) { = email; = name;
        this.destinationEmail = destinationEmail;
        this.agents = agents;
        this.enableProactiveChat = enableProactiveChat;
      public String getEmail() {
        return email;
      public void setEmail(String email) { = email;
      public String getName() {
        return name;
      public void setName(String name) { = name;
      public String getDestinationEmail() {
        return destinationEmail;
      public void setDestinationEmail(String destinationEmail) {
        this.destinationEmail = destinationEmail;
      public List<SnapEngageAgent> getAgents() {
        return agents;
      public void setAgents(List<SnapEngageAgent> agents) {
        this.agents = agents;
      public boolean getEnableProactiveChat() {
        return enableProactiveChat;
      public void setEnableProactiveChat(boolean enableProactiveChat) {
        this.enableProactiveChat = enableProactiveChat;
      public String getUuid() {
        return uuid;
      public void setUuid(String uuid) {
        this.uuid = uuid;
      public String toJson() {
        return new Gson().toJson(this);
    import requests
    url = ""
    querystring = {"api_key": "{api_key}"}
    payload = '{ "email" : "[email protected]", "destinationEmail" : "[email protected]", "name" : "A New Widget!",' \
              '"agents" : [{ "agentId" : "[email protected]", "agentAlias" : "A New Agent",' \
              '"agentAvatar" : "", "agentType" : "webclient" }],' \
              '"enableProactiveChat" : "true"}'
    response = requests.request("PUT", url, data=payload, params=querystring)

    Response Parameters

    To view sample response JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "name": "Widget #1",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "destinationEmail": "[email protected]",
        "uuid": "31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16",
        "agents": [
                "agentId": "wc:[email protected]",
                "agentAlias": "A New Agent",
                "agentAvatar": "",
                "agentType": "webclient"
        "enableProactiveChat": "true",
        "enableConversations": true
    Data Type Description
    name String The widget name.
    email String The user account email address. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    destinationEmail String The email where transcripts are sent.
    uuid String The widget id.
    agents List The list of agent(s) on this widget. Each agent includes the below fields (agentId, agentAlias, agentAvatar, agentType).
    ↳ agentId String The agent ID. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    ↳ agentAlias String The agent displayed name.
    ↳ agentAvatar String Link to an agent image.
    ↳ agentType String See table of "agentType values" below.
    enableProactiveChat String If true proactive chat is enabled for the widget. If false it is not.

    Success Response

    201 Created

    Get widget details

    To get widget's details, GET to the endpoint with your API key, the widget id, and the user email address as parameters.

    GET /api/v1/widget.json?api_key={api_key}&uuid={widget_id}&email={user_email}

    Request Parameters

    Data Type Description
    uuid String Required. The widget public Id.
    email String Required. The user email associated with this widget. All characters will be converted to lowercase.

    Sample Request

    To view an example request, click one of the language tabs on the right.

    curl -X GET \
      '{api_key}&uuid=31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16&[email protected]'
    package com.snapengage.samples.widget;
    public class WidgetExample {
      private static final String apiKey = "{api_key}";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebTarget webTarget = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build()
            .target("" + apiKey +
        Response response = webTarget.request().get();
        SnapEngageWidget responseWidget = response.readEntity(SnapEngageWidget.class);
    import requests
    url = ""
    querystring = {"api_key" : "{api_key}", "uuid" : "31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16", "email" : "[email protected]"}
    response = requests.request("GET", url, params=querystring)

    Response Parameters

    To view sample response JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "name": "Widget #1",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "destinationEmail": "[email protected]",
        "uuid": "31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16",
        "agents": [
                "agentId": "wc:[email protected]",
                "agentAlias": "A New Agent",
                "agentAvatar": "",
                "agentType": "webclient"
        "enableProactiveChat": "true"
    Data Type Description
    name String The widget name.
    email String The user account email address. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    destinationEmail String The email where transcripts are sent.
    uuid String The widget id.
    agents List The list of agent(s) on this widget. Each agent includes the below fields (agentId, agentAlias, agentAvatar, agentType).
    ↳ agentId String The agent ID. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    ↳ agentAlias String The agent displayed name.
    ↳ agentAvatar String Link to an agent image.
    ↳ agentType String See table of "agentType values" below.
    enableProactiveChat String If true proactive chat is enabled for the widget. If false it is not.

    Success Response

    200 OK

    Update an existing widget

    To update an existing widget, POST to the endpoint with your API key as a parameter and the request payload below.

    POST /api/v1/widget.json?api_key={api_key}

    Request Parameters

    To view sample request JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "email": "[email protected]",
        "destinationEmail": "[email protected]",
        "name": "Widget #1 - Sales Widget",
        "uuid": "31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16",
        "agents": [
                "agentId": "[email protected]",
                "agentAlias": "A New Agent",
                "agentAvatar": "",
                "agentType": "webclient"
        "enableProactiveChat": "false",
        "enableConversations": true,
        "conversationSchedule": {
            "timeZone": "US/Mountain",
            "schedules": [
                    "dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "scheduleList": ["9:00 AM","12:00 PM"]
                    "dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "scheduleList": ["1:00 PM","5:00 PM"]
    Data Type Description
    email String Required. An existing user account email address. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    uuid String Required. The id of the widget to be updated.
    name String A valid widget name less than 100 characters.
    destinationEmail String The email where transcripts are sent
    agents List Required. At least one agent is required. Each agent must contain the below fields (agentId, agentAlias, agentAvatar, agentType).
    ↳ agentId String Required. The agent ID. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    ↳ agentAlias String Required. The agent displayed name.
    ↳ agentAvatar String Required. Link to an agent image.
    ↳ agentType String Required. See table of "agentType values" below.
    onlineButtonUrl String Deprecated Link to an online button image. This field has been deprecated due to it being part of the now-deprecated legacy chat design. Any value passed will be ignored and this field will remain null on the widget.
    offlineButtonUrl String Deprecated Link to an offline button image. This field has been deprecated due to it being part of the now-deprecated legacy chat design. Any value passed will be ignored and this field will remain null on the widget.
    enableProactiveChat String If true proactive chat is enabled for the widget. If false it is not.
    enableConversations boolean If true chat is enabled for the widget. If false it is not.
    proactiveSettings String Deprecated May contain the below fields (delayInSec, message). This field has been deprecated due to it being part of the now-deprecated Proactive Chat V1 settings. Any value passed will be ignored and this field will be null on the widget. All widgets updated using this endpoint will be given default Proactive Chat V2 settings.
    ↳ delayInSec String Deprecated The time in seconds to delay a proactive invitation. Default is 45. This field has been deprecated for the same reason as stated above (see 'proactiveSettings'). Any value passed will be ignored and this field will be null on the widget.
    ↳ message String Deprecated The proactive message to display. This field has been deprecated for the same reason as stated above (see 'proactiveSettings'). Any value passed will be ignored and this field will be null on the widget.
    conversationSchedule Json This will contain the schedule for the conversations.
    ↳ timeZone String Time zone for the hours of operation. example ("Europe/Berlin", "UTC", "Asia/Kolkata")
    ↳ schedules List List of schedule(s). This will contain the properties (dayOfWeek, enabled, scheduleList). Note that there can be multiple entries for a given day to accomodate for things like lunch hours, day and evening shifts, etc.
    ↳↳ dayOfWeek String Represents the days of the schedule. Available values for are MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY.
    ↳↳ enabled boolean If true this time period will be evalulated.
    ↳↳ scheduleList List Start and end time using h:mm AM/PM format

    Sample Request

    To view an example request, click one of the language tabs on the right.

    curl -X POST \
      '{api_key}' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
       "email": "[email protected]",
       "destinationEmail": "[email protected]",
       "name": "Widget #1 - Sales Widget",
       "uuid": "31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16",
             "agentId": "[email protected]",
             "agentAlias": "A New Agent",
             "agentAvatar": "",
             "agentType": "webclient"
       "enableProactiveChat": "false",
       "enableConversations": true
    package com.snapengage.samples.widget;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.List;
    public class WidgetExample {
      private static final String apiKey = "{api_key}";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<SnapEngageAgent> agentList = new ArrayList<>();
          new SnapEngageAgent("12345", "Jimbo", "", "webclient")));
        SnapEngageWidget snapEngageWidget =
          new SnapEngageWidget("{user_email}", "Jimbo's US Widget", "{user_email}", agentList, true);
        WebTarget webTarget = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build()
          .target("" + apiKey);
        Response response =
          webTarget.request().post(Entity.entity(snapEngageWidget, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
        SnapEngageWidget responseWidget = response.readEntity(SnapEngageWidget.class);

    Response Parameters

    To view sample response JSON, see the JSON tab to the right.

        "name": "Widget #1 - Sales Widget",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "destinationEmail": "[email protected]",
        "uuid": "31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16",
        "agents": [
                "agentId": "wc:[email protected]",
                "agentAlias": "A New Agent",
                "agentAvatar": "",
                "agentType": "webclient"
        "enableProactiveChat": "false",
        "enableConversations": true
    import requests
    url = ""
    querystring = {"api_key":"{api_key}"}
    payload = '{ "email" : "[email protected]", "destinationEmail" : "[email protected]",' \
              '"name" : "A new name for this widget", "uuid" : "31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16",' \
              '"agents" : [{ "agentId": "[email protected]", "agentAlias" : "A New Agent",' \
              '"agentAvatar" : "", "agentType" : "webclient" }],' \
              '"enableProactiveChat" : "true"}'
    response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, params=querystring)
    Data Type Description
    name String The widget name.
    email String The user account email address. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    destinationEmail String The email where transcripts are sent.
    uuid String The widget id.
    agents List The list of agent(s) on this widget. Each agent includes the below fields (agentId, agentAlias, agentAvatar, agentType).
    ↳ agentId String The agent ID. All characters will be converted to lowercase.
    ↳ agentAlias String The agent displayed name.
    ↳ agentAvatar String Link to an agent image.
    ↳ agentType String See table of "agentType values" below.
    enableProactiveChat String If true proactive chat is enabled for the widget. If false it is not.

    Success Response

    200 OK

    Delete an existing widget

    To delete a widget, DELETE to the endpoint with your API key, the uuid (widget id), and the user email as parameters.

    DELETE /api/v1/user.json?api_key={api_key}&uuid={widget_id}&email={user_email}

    Request Parameters

    Data Type Description
    uuid String Required. The widget public Id.
    email String Required. The user email associated with this widget. All characters will be converted to lowercase.

    Sample Request

    To view an example request, click one of the language tabs on the right.

    curl -X DELETE '{api_key}&uuid=31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16&[email protected]'
    package com.snapengage.samples.widget;
    public class WidgetExample {
      private static final String apiKey = "{api_key}";
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebTarget webTarget = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().build()
            .target("" + apiKey
                + "&uuid={widget_id}&email={user_email}");
    import requests
    url = ""
    querystring = { "api_key" : "{api_key}", "uuid" : "31a11b98-ffd2-425d-aa69-2c6ff8a40a16", "email" : "[email protected]" }
    response = requests.request("DELETE", url, params=querystring)

    Response Parameters

    No response payload is returned.

    Success Response

    200 OK