
Check widget availability

Check if chat is currently online for this widget. Please see the cURL tab to the right for an example.

GET /api/v1/chat/{widgetId}

Request Parameters

Data Type Description
widgetId String Unique identifier of the widget

Sample Request

Please see the cURL tab to the right for an example.

// NOTE: Make sure to replace the "{api_key}" below with your API key!

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'x-api-key: {api_key}'

Response Parameters

Data Type Description
widgetId String Widget UUID from request.
online Boolean If this chat widget is available to start a chat.
emailRequired Boolean If an email address is required when starting a new chat.
messageRequired Boolean If the initial message is required when starting a new chat.
screenshotRequired Boolean If this chat widget requires a screenshot.

Success Response

200 OK

    "widgetId": "5286374d-5c92-419d-bcdb-b926d242b78b",
    "online": "true",
    "emailRequired": "false",
    "messageRequired": "false",
    "screenshotRequired": "false"